
Bosnian-Herzegovinian American Academy of Arts and Sciences

BHAAAS is a voluntary non-profit, non-governmental, non-partisan, multi-ethnic, and multi-cultural organization whose purposes are exclusively educational, scientific, and charitable, as defined under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code.

Bosnian-Herzegovinian American Academy of Arts and Sciences was founded in Charlotte, North Carolina, on November 3, 2007.

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History of BHAAAS

Bosnian-Herzegovinian American Academy of Arts and Sciences was founded in Charlotte, North Carolina, on November 3, 2007.

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Read the latest news about BHAAAS activities, events and projects.

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Dr. David Pettigrew, honorary member of BHAAAS attended the commemoration in Kalinovik and gave an emotional speech, full of powerful messages

Dr. David Pettigrew, a day after receiving a certificate of honorary membership in the Bosnian-Herzegovinian-American Academy of Sciences and Arts, attended the 32nd anniversary of the killing of Bosniak civilians in Kalinovik, where he gave an emotional speech full of powerful messages.

International symposia on topics of the future: In focus the development of technologies and the challenges of sustainable urban development

The International Symposium on Sustainable Urban Development within the 15th Day of BHAAAS brings numerous interesting topics for all participants, providing an opportunity to strengthen existing professional ties, create new partnerships and exchange innovative ideas in the field of sustainability and new technologies.

Maestro Nyela Basney's Masterclass: Cultivating Musical Excellence at BHAAAS

Maestra Nyela Basny, in collaboration with primadonna Adema Pljevljak-Krehić, Head of the Department of Solo Singing at Sarajevo's Academy of Music, is organizing a master class during the 15th Days of BHAAAS in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which will take place at Hotel Hills, Ilidža, Sarajevo, from June 20-23, 2024. The Master Class will take place on June 22, and Maestra will work with conductor Mr. Fuad Šetić on operatic sections from Mozart and Puccini, both as conductor and pianist, as well as discuss potential artist connections that could help progress his career.

Prof. Keith Doubt: Bosnian giants in a European light

Honorary member of the BHAAAS academy, prof. Keith Doubt, professor emeritus of social sciences from Ohio, published a study that compares three Bosnian-Herzegovinian authors with three European titans: poet Mak Dizdar with Homer, novelist Meša Selimović with Fyodor Dostoevsky, and novelist Ivo Andrić with Leo Tolstoy. The purpose is to bring the appreciation of the works of the most important Bosnian writers of the 20th century closer to the European literary community and the whole literary phenomenon.

15 Days of BHAAAS
in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Sarajevo, June, 20th - 23rd, 2024

Featured News

Read the latest about BHAAAS Academy News and BHAAAS Members In The News

Eldina Nizamić, MD spoke about the 15th Days of BHAAAS for N1 Newsnight

The president of BHAAAS, Eldina Nizamić, MD was a guest on N1 in Newsnight and spoke about the significance and activities of the Bosnian-Herzegovinian-American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and about the upcoming 15th Days of BHAAAS, which will be held from June 20 to 23 in Sarajevo. More details at the link

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BHAAAS Sustainable Development Program presented as part of the New European Bauhaus Festival

As part of the New European Bauhaus Festival held in Brussels from April 9 to 13, the BHAAAS (Bosnian-Herzegovinian American Academy of Arts and Sciences) Sustainable Development Program was presented as a side event in Sarajevo called "VUČKO THE ARCHITECT": Return to the Sarajevo Olympic the spirit".

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Opportunity for future professionals: BHAAAS Summer Internship for Biology Students

BHAAAS (Bosnian-Herzegovinian American Academy of Arts and Sciences) invites all undergraduate biology students in Bosnia and Herzegovina to join the summer internship program.

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American expert in psychiatry Amer Smajkić MD, explained the key aspects of ADHD

Amer Smajkić MD, child psychiatrist, member and former president of BHAAAS, held a lecture on ADHD as part of the cycle of lectures intended for health professionals in BiH organized by BHAAAS as part of the Web Medical Archives platform.

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Predavanje - Dr. Ognjen Gajić - CERTAIN

Kao nastavak aktivnosti u oblasti medicine, 18. februra 2024. godine u 17.00 sati bit će dostupno prethodno snimljeno predavanje dr. Ognjena Gajića pod nazivom: CERTAIN: strukturirani pristup kritično bolesnim i povrijeđenim pacijentima

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Alarmatno zbog morbila u BiH

Roditelji izbjegavaju vakcinaciju, hospitalizirano 29 mališana u Tuzli i Živinicama Proglašena je epidemija morbila u nekoliko regija BiH ali i u regionu. Članica BHAAAS-a Aida Ramić Čatak je o trenutnom stanju govorila za N1.

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EKSKLUZIVNO: Doktor Kenan Arnautović izabran za potpredsjednika Svjetske federacije neurohirurga

Trenutno se u Cape Town-u, Južnoafričkoj republici održava 18. Svjetski kongres neurohirurgije. Doktor Kenan Arnautović osvojio je gotovo 70 posto glasova, i time je postao potpredsjednik Svjetske Federacije neurohirurga (World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies – WFNS).

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