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Bosnian-Herzegovinian American Academy of Arts and Sciences

BHAAAS is a voluntary non-profit, non-governmental, non-partisan, multi-ethnic, and multi-cultural organization whose purposes are exclusively educational, scientific, and charitable, as defined under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code.

Bosnian-Herzegovinian American Academy of Arts and Sciences was founded in Charlotte, North Carolina, on November 3, 2007.


The Mission of the Bosnian-Herzegovinian American Academy of Arts and Sciences (BHAAAS) is to develop and advance the arts and sciences among the Bosnian-Herzegovinian diaspora and in Bosnia and Herzegovina.


The Vision of the Bosnian-Herzegovinian American Academy of Arts and Sciences (BHAAAS) is to become a leading network for professional and academic advancement of future generations of Bosnian-Herzegovinian-Americans, Bosnian-Herzegovinians and friends of Bosnia and Herzegovina throughout the world.

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Days of BHAAAS

For fifteen years, the Days of BHAAAS have been a substantial, high-quality, and successful conference.

History of BHAAAS

Bosnian-Herzegovinian American Academy of Arts and Sciences was founded in Charlotte, North Carolina, on November 3, 2007.

Latest News

Read the latest news about BHAAAS activities, events and projects.

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18th BHAAAS Annual Meeting - report

The BHAAAS Annual Meeting in Seattle reaffirmed the stability and continuity of the BHAAAS community. Despite the time difference, many members followed the assembly virtually from different parts of the world and from BiH. This event, like every year, was more than just a formal meeting; it was a moment for reflection, inspiration and connecting members who share common goals and values.

Roundtable "Code of Ethics in Construction": Conclusions

An exciting roundtable on ethical standards in the construction industry hosted by BHAAAS On June 19, 2024, the Bosnian-Herzegovinian-American Academy of Sciences and Arts (BHAAAS) held a dynamic round table on the topic "Code of Ethics in Construction". It was moderated by dr. Venera Simonović, the event brought together experts from government, academia and non-governmental organizations to address important issues such as integrity, transparency and accountability in the construction sector. Participants explored real-world challenges, including lack of oversight, corruption, and unqualified professionals risking public safety. Key recommendations included establishing a national engineering chamber to enforce ethical standards and promote sustainable, responsible construction practices. The discussion also highlighted the need for a more environmentally conscious approach, emphasizing sustainable materials and reducing construction waste in order to protect Bosnia's natural and cultural heritage. Stay tuned for more updates as BHAAAS continues to foster dialogue on the critical issues shaping our future.

Exceptional contribution to neuroradiology: BHAAAS member dr. Zulejha Merhemić Honored as a fellow of the European society of neuroradiology

Radiology diagnostics specialist, Dr. Zulejha Merhemić, a long-time member of BHAAAS, has been honored as a Fellow of the European Society of Neuroradiology. Dr. sc. Merhemić, the first person from Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) to achieve this prestigious level of membership, has been actively contributing to the development and promotion of the medical field for over 20 years. In addition to her work in BiH, she has made a significant impact as a visiting professor at foreign universities, sharing her extensive knowledge and experience with students and colleagues.

Practical experience at the Polyclinic for Laboratory Diagnostics: Summer internship for biology students at UKC Tuzla

Biology students in Bosnia and Herzegovina have the opportunity to gain practical laboratory experience working with experienced and trained experts within the summer internship organized by BHAAAS in cooperation with the Department of Pathology of the University Clinical Center Tuzla. Under the guidance of mentor prof. Dr. Ermine Iljazović, a specialist in pathological anatomy, two students from the universities in Sarajevo and Tuzla, Neila Sabitović and Emina Zenkić, had a summer internship.

Featured News

Read the latest about BHAAAS Academy News and BHAAAS Members In The News

Exceptional contribution to neuroradiology: BHAAAS member dr. Zulejha Merhemić Honored as a fellow of the European society of neuroradiology

Radiology diagnostics specialist, Dr. Zulejha Merhemić, a long-time member of BHAAAS, has been honored as a Fellow of the European Society of Neuroradiology. Dr. sc. Merhemić, the first person from Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) to achieve this prestigious level of membership, has been actively contributing to the development and promotion of the medical field for over 20 years. In addition to her work in BiH, she has made a significant impact as a visiting professor at foreign universities, sharing her extensive knowledge and experience with students and colleagues.

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Eldina Nizamić, MD spoke about the 15th Days of BHAAAS for N1 Newsnight

The president of BHAAAS, Eldina Nizamić, MD was a guest on N1 in Newsnight and spoke about the significance and activities of the Bosnian-Herzegovinian-American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and about the upcoming 15th Days of BHAAAS, which will be held from June 20 to 23 in Sarajevo. More details at the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Sw-biVdvGI&ab_channel=N1BiH

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BHAAAS Sustainable Development Program presented as part of the New European Bauhaus Festival

As part of the New European Bauhaus Festival held in Brussels from April 9 to 13, the BHAAAS (Bosnian-Herzegovinian American Academy of Arts and Sciences) Sustainable Development Program was presented as a side event in Sarajevo called "VUČKO THE ARCHITECT": Return to the Sarajevo Olympic the spirit".

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Opportunity for future professionals: BHAAAS Summer Internship for Biology Students

BHAAAS (Bosnian-Herzegovinian American Academy of Arts and Sciences) invites all undergraduate biology students in Bosnia and Herzegovina to join the summer internship program.

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American expert in psychiatry Amer Smajkić MD, explained the key aspects of ADHD

Amer Smajkić MD, child psychiatrist, member and former president of BHAAAS, held a lecture on ADHD as part of the cycle of lectures intended for health professionals in BiH organized by BHAAAS as part of the Web Medical Archives platform.

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Predavanje - Dr. Ognjen Gajić - CERTAIN

Kao nastavak aktivnosti u oblasti medicine, 18. februra 2024. godine u 17.00 sati bit će dostupno prethodno snimljeno predavanje dr. Ognjena Gajića pod nazivom: CERTAIN: strukturirani pristup kritično bolesnim i povrijeđenim pacijentima

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Alarmatno zbog morbila u BiH

Roditelji izbjegavaju vakcinaciju, hospitalizirano 29 mališana u Tuzli i Živinicama Proglašena je epidemija morbila u nekoliko regija BiH ali i u regionu. Članica BHAAAS-a Aida Ramić Čatak je o trenutnom stanju govorila za N1.

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EKSKLUZIVNO: Doktor Kenan Arnautović izabran za potpredsjednika Svjetske federacije neurohirurga

Trenutno se u Cape Town-u, Južnoafričkoj republici održava 18. Svjetski kongres neurohirurgije. Doktor Kenan Arnautović osvojio je gotovo 70 posto glasova, i time je postao potpredsjednik Svjetske Federacije neurohirurga (World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies – WFNS).

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